College Transfer Package
College freshmen and sophomore students who are planning to transfer their schools

Colleges Don’t Help Transfer Students, We Do.
Unlike the college admissions process during your student’s high school senior year, nobody supports or guides you regarding your transfer applications — except Insight Academics. There is no college staff dedicated to helping their students leave their own institutions. However, every year, Insight Academix helps students who are transferring colleges.
Time Frame of Transfer Application
The schedule below is a planned timeline assuming preparation in the first year for transfer in the second year. If transferring as a junior, please consult with us for a customized plan.

Plan Ahead of Time, Because There’s No Time to Waste.
However, in most cases, a sophomore transfer after the freshman year is a popular option. Students and parents should decide if they want to transfer as early as possible, because it's a very short process. Insight Academix typically meets students and parents in April or May in their high school senior year. Then, we plan out a personalized transfer plan for each student. While building up a transfer college list, we ensure our students engage in and complete their unique summer projects in time to impress admissions officers.
Lots of things to do, Insight Academix Can Help You to Succeed
Fall semester academic performance is very important. Students have to meet a lot of deadlines, perform a series of tasks, achieve specific goals, and plan well for the transfer admissions process. The Insight Academix team supports students based on their own unique roadmaps to complete all the tasks on time and in a way that ensures the student's success.